Key Words of IPC in India with Hindi (in Bracket)


Key Words of IPC in India with Hindi (in Brackets)

a) Criminal Conspiracy (आपराधिक षड्यंत्र)

An agreement between two or more persons to commit an illegal act or legal act by illegal means.

b) Insanity (पागलपन)

A mental condition that renders a person incapable of understanding the nature of their actions.

c) Intoxication (नशा)

A state in which a person's normal mental and physical faculties are impaired due to substances like alcohol or drugs.

d) Sedition (राजद्रोह)

Any act or speech that incites disaffection against the government established by law.

e) Public Nuisance (सार्वजनिक उपद्रव)

An act affecting the public at large or a community, causing harm, inconvenience, or annoyance.

f) Criminal Breach of Trust (आपराधिक विश्वासघात)

Dishonest misappropriation or conversion of property entrusted to someone.

g) Misappropriation of Property (संपत्ति का गबन)

Dishonestly taking or converting someone else's property for one's own use.

h) Right to Die (मृत्यु का अधिकार)

The legal or moral entitlement to end one's own life under certain circumstances.

i) Criminal Intimidation (आपराधिक धमकी)

Threatening someone to cause alarm or compel them to do or abstain from doing an act.

j) Defamation (मानहानि)

Injuring a person's reputation through false statements.

k) Cruelty (क्रूरता)

Willful conduct causing mental or physical harm to someone.

l) Bigamy (द्विविवाह)

The act of marrying someone while already being lawfully married to another person.

m) Forgery (जालसाजी)

Creating or altering a document with the intent to deceive.

n) Life Imprisonment (आजन्म कारावास)

A sentence where the convicted person remains in prison for the rest of their life.

o) Grievous Hurt and Hurt (गंभीर चोट और चोट)

Grievous hurt refers to severe injuries that endanger life or cause long-term harm, while hurt refers to less serious injuries.

p) Robbery (डकैती)

Theft accompanied by violence or threats.

q) Mistake (भूल)

An act done unintentionally due to ignorance or misunderstanding.

r) Injury (चोट)

Harm caused to a person, property, mind, or reputation.

s) Dishonestly & Fraudulently (बेईमानी और धोखाधड़ी)

Dishonestly involves an intent to deceive or cheat; fraudulently includes deliberate deception for gain.

t) Common Intention (सामान्य उद्देश्य)

A shared purpose among individuals to commit a criminal act.

u) Giving False Evidence (झूठे साक्ष्य देना)

Intentionally giving false testimony or evidence in legal proceedings.

v) Fabricating False Evidence (झूठे साक्ष्य बनाना)

Creating or altering evidence with the intention to mislead or deceive a judicial process.

x) Attempt to Murder (हत्या का प्रयास)

An act done with the intention and preparation to kill someone but failing to complete it.

y) Attempt to Commit Suicide (आत्महत्या का प्रयास)

The act of attempting to take one's own life.

z) Defamation (मानहानि)

Injury to the reputation of a person through false or malicious statements.

i) Preparation (तैयारी)

The act of arranging or planning to commit an offense.

ii) Dacoity (डाका)

Robbery committed by five or more persons acting together.

iii) Consent (सहमति)

Voluntary agreement to do or allow something.

iv) Extortion (जबरन वसूली)

Forcing someone to give money or valuables through threats or coercion.

v) Unlawful Assembly (गैरकानूनी जमावड़ा)

A group of five or more people gathered with the intent to commit an offense.

vi) Dowry Death (दहेज हत्या)

The death of a woman caused by harassment over dowry demands.

vii) Insult & Annoyance (अपमान और परेशान करना)

Actions or words that hurt someone's dignity or cause irritation.

viii) Stalking (पीछा करना)

Repeatedly following or harassing someone in a manner that instills fear.

ix) Acid Attack (एसिड हमला)

Throwing acid on someone with the intent to harm or disfigure them.

x) Ignorance of Law (कानून की अज्ञानता)

Lack of knowledge about legal rules or regulations.

xi) Mens Rea (दुष्प्रवृत्ति)

The mental intent to commit a crime.

xii) Wrongful Loss (गलत हानि)

Loss caused to someone illegally or unjustly.

xiii) False Evidence (झूठा साक्ष्य)

Evidence that is untrue or fabricated.

xiv) Culpable Homicide (दंडनीय हत्या)

The act of causing death without the intent to kill.

xv) Theft (चोरी)

Dishonestly taking someone else's property without their consent.

xvi) Motive (उद्देश्य)

The reason behind committing a crime.

xvii) Public Servant (लोक सेवक)

An individual employed in the service of the government.

xviii) Capital Punishment (मृत्युदंड)

The legal penalty of death for a crime.

xix) Kidnapping (अपहरण)

Taking someone away illegally by force or deception.

xx) Abduction (बलपूर्वक अपहरण)

Compelling someone to go from one place to another by force or deceit.

xxi) Riot & Affray (दंगा और झगड़ा)

Riot involves unlawful assembly with violence; affray refers to public fighting that disturbs peace.

xxii) Rape (बलात्कार)

Sexual intercourse without consent or against the will of a person.

xxiii) Doli Incapex (दौली इनकैपेक्स)

The presumption that a child under a certain age lacks criminal intent.

xxiv) Abetment (उकसाना)

Encouraging or assisting someone to commit an offense.

xxv) Intoxication (नशा)

A state of being under the influence of substances impairing judgment.

xxvi) Fraud (धोखाधड़ी)

Deception intended to result in personal or financial gain.

xxvii) Adultery (व्यभिचार)

Voluntary sexual relations between a married person and someone other than their spouse.


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