Concept and Source of LAW and its role in society - Jurisprudence


Law is a system of rules and regulations that are created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior. Its primary role in society is to maintain order, resolve disputes, protect individual rights and liberties, and promote justice. Here are some key concepts and sources of law:

Concept of Law:

Definition: The concept of law refers to the understanding of what law is and what makes rules or norms into law.

Concepts of Law:

  • Normative: It establishes norms of behavior that members of society are expected to follow.
  • Binding: Laws are binding and enforceable, typically with sanctions or penalties for non-compliance.
  • Public Interest: Laws are generally intended to serve the public interest, addressing collective needs and concerns.


  • Natural Law: Law is derived from moral principles inherent in human nature and the natural order.
  • Legal Positivism: Law is a set of rules created by legitimate authorities, and its validity is not dependent on its moral content.
  • Legal Realism: Law is influenced by social, economic, and contextual factors, and its application is often pragmatic (व्‍यावहारिक, यथार्थवादी) and context-dependent.
  • Critical Legal Studies: Law is a tool of power used to perpetuate social inequalities, and its interpretation is influenced by societal structures and interests.

Sources of Law:
  • Constitutional Law: Derived from national or state constitutions, it outlines the framework of government, powers, and rights.
  • Statutory Law: Enacted by legislative bodies (e.g., Congress, Parliament), statutory laws cover a wide range of issues not addressed by constitutions.
  • Common Law: Based on judicial decisions and precedents established over time, common law evolves through court rulings interpreting statutes and previous decisions.
  • Administrative Law: Governs administrative agencies' actions and procedures, ensuring they operate within legal bounds set by legislation.
  • International Law: Governs relations between nations and organizations, addressing issues like treaties, trade, and human rights.

1. Primary Sources:

  • Legislation: Statutes and regulations enacted by legislative bodies.
  • Judicial Precedents: Court decisions that interpret and apply laws.
  • Constitutions: Fundamental laws outlining the structure of government and rights of individuals.
  • Custom: Long-established practices recognized as binding.
  • International Law: Agreements and treaties between states.

2. Secondary Sources:

  • Legal Commentary: Academic writings, law reviews, and treatises.
  • Policy Documents: Government reports, white papers, and other official documents that influence lawmaking.

Role of Law in Society:

  • Maintaining Social Order: Law provides a framework for maintaining order, resolving disputes, and protecting rights and liberties.
  • Promoting Justice and Fairness: Law aims to achieve justice by ensuring fair treatment and equality before the law.
  • Regulation of Behavior: Laws regulate individual and collective behavior to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of society.
  • Economic Stability: Law facilitates economic transactions, protects property rights, and regulates markets to promote economic stability and growth.
  • Facilitating Social Change: Law can be a tool for social change, addressing injustices and promoting social reforms.
  • Protection of Rights: Law safeguards individual and collective rights against infringement by others, including the state.


Overall, law serves as a cornerstone of society, providing structure, predictability, and a framework for governance and interaction among individuals and institutions. 

The concept and sources of law provide the foundation for understanding how laws are formed and applied, and the role of law in society underscores its importance in maintaining order, justice, and progress.


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